Producto interno bruto, desigualdad del ingreso, pobreza monetaria y programa sociales en Paraguay

Principales relaciones de los últimos 10 años


  • Sergio Legal Cañisa


Gross Domestic Product, inequality income distribution, poverty, social programs


The research had as objective to analyze the effects and the relations among Gross Domestic Product, income distribution inequality, monetary poverty, and social programs. The analysis was descriptive and correlational based on the official statistics of Paraguay.

It was verified that GDP has a small effect on reducing the inequality of income distribution, and that improvements in income distribution have not affected poverty reduction in a sustainable manner. In fact, it is verified that the trend reduction of poverty is not the result of improvements in the economy but a consequence of the massification of social programs that seek to provide a minimum income to the poor and vulnerable population.

Author Biography

Sergio Legal Cañisa

Master en Finanzas y Profesor de Economía de la Facultad de Economía de la Universidad Nacional de Asunción



How to Cite

Legal Cañisa, S. (2018). Producto interno bruto, desigualdad del ingreso, pobreza monetaria y programa sociales en Paraguay: Principales relaciones de los últimos 10 años. Scientific Journal OMNES, (2), 66–72. Retrieved from