Capacidad de Adaptación al cambio climático de las comunidades campo Aceval, Colonia Lolita, Yalve Sanga y Toro Pampa del Chaco Paraguayo


  • Leticia Gonzalez
  • Rossana Scribano
  • Analyse Villalba
  • Natalia Jara


Climate Change, Adaptation Capacity, Development, Public Policies, Planning


This paper describes the social and production systems of four communities of the Paraguayan Chaco from the data obtained in the Study of Vulnerability and Impact of Climate Change in the Great American Chaco and then an analysis of the adaptation capacity of the same ones taking as reference the approach based on the community capital exposed by Flora et al (2006) and the conceptual framework of the Technical Agency of German Cooperation (GIZ, for its acronym in German), which proposes the integration of the adaptation to the Climate change in development planning. Adapting to climate change is a growing challenge, particularly for developing countries. Today's development options influence the future adaptive capacity of populations and their governments. Development with absence of planning hinders the implementation of adaptation actions. Even so, currently many policies, plans and development projects do not consider climate change due to the lack of awareness and clarity on how to effectively develop and integrate adaptation options.



How to Cite

Gonzalez, L., Scribano, R., Villalba, A., & Jara, N. (2018). Capacidad de Adaptación al cambio climático de las comunidades campo Aceval, Colonia Lolita, Yalve Sanga y Toro Pampa del Chaco Paraguayo. Scientific Journal OMNES, (3), 56–102. Retrieved from