Responsabilidad tributaria de la sociedad absorbente y de los representantes legales


  • Eduardo Antonio Caballero Barreto, Abog. Universidad Columbia del Paraguay


Merger, Responsability, Subjects, Objective requirement, Quantitative limit, Temporary limit


This article document with legal theoretical approach seeks to identify the requirements required to establish the responsibility of the parties involved in the merger according to the provisions of Law No. 125/91, in order to determine the meaning of each of them and the scope of responsibility of the participating parties and of the legal and voluntary representatives of the acquiring or successor and absorbed companies, to ensure the collection of the tax and the sanction to the offenders. Therefore, each of the legally established elements must be thoroughly complied with. Therefore, it is concluded that the opportune intervention within the established term and directed to the obligated and responsible subjects, will prevent that, due to the expiration and the absence of responsible subjects, the right of the Tax Administration to collect and to apply sanctions for the existence of infractions, or the legal modification that allows greater amplitude in the time of the control could be chosen.

Author Biography

Eduardo Antonio Caballero Barreto, Abog., Universidad Columbia del Paraguay

Profesor de materias de Derecho Constitucional y Derecho Civil y Comercial, Derecho de Quiebras y Laboral, Régimen Fiscal de la Empresa, Régimen Jurídico de las Empresas, de la Dirección de Carreras Empresariales.

 Abogado. Escribano público. Especialista en Derecho Civil y Comercial. Docente modalidad presencial y a distancia de la Universidad Columbia del Paraguay.



How to Cite

Caballero Barreto, E. A. (2019). Responsabilidad tributaria de la sociedad absorbente y de los representantes legales. Scientific Journal OMNES, 2(2), 104. Retrieved from