Perception of the local population of the Carmen del Paraná district, on the impact of tourism from the construction of the city´s waterfront


  • Santiago Galeano Bate, Lic. Universidad Columbia del Paraguay


After the construction of the waterfront on the Paraná river in 2011, in the Carmen del Paraná district, bringing the arrival of national and international tourists, attracted by the new white sand beaches and crystalline waters, formed after completion of the works. Since that time, the new tourist
destination has had an improvement in terms of road infrastructure, mainly due to the complementary completion works of the Yacyreta Binational Entity Hydroelectric Power Plant, which affected the city of Carmen del Paraná. The tourist activity, as an economic activity, has had a sustained growth in our country since 2008, in relation to the tourist income generated by tourists, hikers and internal visitors. In order to know the tourist impact in the city of Carmen del Paraná, this research has as its general objective to know the perception of the local population, about the impacts that tourism has generated, from the construction of the waterfront in the city de Carmen del Paraná, where the specific objectives are to characterize the municipality of Carmen del Paraná and identify the positive and negative impacts of tourism, in the economic, socio-cultural and environmental fields. Based on the objectives set, it is intended
to demonstrate the relevance of knowledge of the particular characteristics of the municipality of Carmen del Paraná, as a city with a tourist vocation, to identify the impacts generated by tourism activity in it. In this sense, knowing the economic, sociocultural and environmental impact generated by tourism, optimally managing the growth of the local community, as a sustainable tourist destination.

Author Biography

Santiago Galeano Bate, Lic., Universidad Columbia del Paraguay

Licenciado en Administración por la Universidad Nacional de Asunción. Director de la carrera de Turismo
y Hotelería de la Universidad Columbia del Paraguay.



How to Cite

Galeano Bate, S. (2020). Perception of the local population of the Carmen del Paraná district, on the impact of tourism from the construction of the city´s waterfront. Scientific Journal OMNES, 3(1), 31–59. Retrieved from