
  • Jazmín Amazona Escobar Bozzano, Ing. Universidad Columbia del Paraguay


experience, nature, tourism, students, cooperation


As part of a specific goal from the subject Ecological and Sustainable Tourism corresponding to the university carreer of Tourism and Hospitality in Universidad Columbia del Paraguay, the students from fourth year, first semester evening shift present this document as and an extension work carried out in 2018. The main objectives were to have the experience of getting in contact with nature and through this, understand all the concept aspects learned before related to the subject outside the classroom context. It was organized a specific visit to the Ybycui National Park, located in the Department of Paraguari, Paraguay.
The proposal had the inter-institutional cooperation from the National Secretariat of Tourism - SENATUR and the Ministry of Environment and Development - MADES, former SEAM. And was accompanied by expert friends and lovers of tourism, who wanted to collaborate selflessly in the development of the planned activities with the students.

Author Biography

Jazmín Amazona Escobar Bozzano, Ing., Universidad Columbia del Paraguay

Ingeniera por la Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias, carrera de Ecología Humana, posee experiencia relacionada
a la gestión de proyectos socioeconómicos, empresariales, culturales y educativos implicando gestión y liderazgo de equipos de trabajo en distintas zonas del Paraguay. Ha viajado a varios países de Las Américas, Europa y Asia, y tenido la oportunidad de relacionarse con autoridades estatales, empresariales y equipos
de trabajo de varias culturas. Participó y en casos, lideró, equipos de trabajo en proyectos vinculados
a organismos internacionales de cooperación y a gremios del sector privado empresarial.



How to Cite

Escobar Bozzano, J. A. (2020). VISIT TO YBYCUI NATIONAL PARK. Scientific Journal OMNES, 3(1), 104–112. Retrieved from