Quality of Employment from a Gender Perspective in Paraguay. Some Approaches


  • Araceli Cáceres Buzó, Econ. Universidad Nacional de Asunción, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas.
  • Marcela Achinelli Báez, Mag.


inequality, access, employment, Paraguay


Paraguay, women tend to work in the service and work sector more closely associated with care. The employment relationship they have in their occupation is mainly as self-employed and salaried employees. On the other hand, women is more likely to be in informal employment, without social security benefits. Analyzing employment from the construction of the Employment Quality Index (ICE), it was evidenced that at the country level women have a lower ICE than men, at the departmental level San Pedro has the lowest ICE. The public sector shows an ICE in favor of women; however, in the private sector the advantage goes to men. Despite the progress in terms of the higher proportion of women incorporated into the labor market, the asymmetry in access continues and even more so in the quality of employment, for which it is essential to continue insisting on public policies that advocate less inequality in employment. gender in employment.

Author Biographies

Araceli Cáceres Buzó, Econ., Universidad Nacional de Asunción, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas.

Economista. Universidad Nacional de Asunción, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas. San Lorenzo, Paraguay.

Marcela Achinelli Báez, Mag.

Magister en Entidades de la Economía Social. Universidad Nacional de Asunción, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas. San Lorenzo, Paraguay.



How to Cite

Cáceres Buzó, A., & Achinelli Báez, M. (2020). Quality of Employment from a Gender Perspective in Paraguay. Some Approaches. Scientific Journal OMNES, 3(2), 36–58. Retrieved from https://espanha.columbia.edu.py/investigacion/ojs/index.php/OMNESUCPY/article/view/68



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