Review of the Literature on Latin American Demography during the period 2000-2020



The Latin American population has increased considerably, putting pressure on economic and social conditions.
The methodology was to use Academic Google as a search tool. Discourse analysis was used to find the source of the
results, and the number of results was compared with the title of the studies to identify which types of publications
show the greatest number of satisfactory results. In addition, Discourse Analysis was used to see how demographics
are interpreted in the titles of the publications. Long-term population growth depends on the rate of growth. Demographic
studies should analyze the population over the long term to understand what impact population growth has on
the population.

Author Biographies

Miguel Ángel Alegre Brítez, Universidad del Pacífico

Professor at the Universidad del Pacífico. Asuncion, Paraguay

Chap Kau Kwan Chung, Universidad del Pacífico

Docente de la Universidad del Pacífico, Asunción, Paraguay.



How to Cite

Alegre, M. Ángel ., & Kwan Chung, C. K. . (2021). Review of the Literature on Latin American Demography during the period 2000-2020. Scientific Journal OMNES, 4(1), 45–57. Retrieved from

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