The impact of deforestation and the need for environmental analysis
deforestation, reforestation, felling of trees, forests, oxygen, environmental IssuesAbstract
Deforestation occurs because of massive felling of trees or other different use of the land, it is currently one of the ten main environmental problems, caused mainly by man such as agriculture, livestock, and urbanization and by natural phenomena tsunamis, forest fires and parasites. Thus, the conservation of green areas becomes so necessary and favorable for the conservation of biodiversity. Among the main consequences of deforestation are climate change, desertification, air pollution, soil degradation, food deficit, loss of habitat. It is transcendental that public and private institutions work with the different social actors in an
articulated manner and that all people become aware of their role in caring for the environment. In order to reduce the damage caused by deforestation, within this context, conceptual aspects, causes and main actions are analyzed, such as reforestation for the maintenance of forests, sustainable practices of agriculture and livestock, as well as awareness for care and conservation. of trees and forests.
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