Elaboración de un instrumento para evaluar los duelos normales en el desarrollo adolescente


  • Valentina Silva
  • Julio Insaurralde
  • Nelson Bracho


adolescence, grief, factor analysis, reliability


The objective of the present investigation was the elaboration and validation of an instrument to evaluate the normal duels of adolescence, based on the theory of Arminda Aberastury: mourning for the Infantile Body, mourning for the Infantile Identity and mourning for the Parents of the Childhood , after an extensive literature review and previous research in the area. The sample of the pilot study was of 268 subjects and that of the final study of 1260 subjects, aged between 9 and 24 years. The final instrument consists of 35 simple selection items with five response alternatives, divided into three sub-tests. The reliability of each sub-scale was analyzed through Crombach's alpha, obtaining a value of 0.673 for the Duel for the Body; 0.614 for the Duel for the Identity and 0.606 for the Duel for the Parents of the Childhood. The validation of the content was considered through three expert judges and the construct validity through the factorial analysis, obtaining in the sub-scale Duel by the Infant Body a KMO of 0.762 and three factors were extracted: anguish of illness, self-image and acceptance of changes. In the sub-scale Duel for Childhood Identity, a KMO of 0.649 was obtained and five factors: childhood nostalgia, death anxiety, depersonalization, sensation of change and self-satisfaction. Regarding the Duel for the Parents of Children, a KMO of 0.720 was obtained and four factors: detachment, model parents, rejection of authority and incomprehension.

Author Biographies

Valentina Silva

Doctora en Psicología. Magister en Fundamentos y Desarrollos Psicoanalíticos.

Coordinadora de Bienestar Universitario de la Universidad Columbia del Paraguay

Julio Insaurralde

Magister en Gerencia de Recursos Humanos.

Administrador de la Fundación La Salle Paraguay. Docente de las Carreras de Ciencias Empresariales de la Universidad Columbia del Paraguay

Nelson Bracho

Departamento de Estadística, Universidad de Oriente, Edo. Nueva Esparta, Venezuela



How to Cite

Silva, V., Insaurralde, J., & Bracho, N. (2018). Elaboración de un instrumento para evaluar los duelos normales en el desarrollo adolescente. Scientific Journal OMNES, 1(1), 56–63. Retrieved from https://espanha.columbia.edu.py/investigacion/ojs/index.php/OMNESUCPY/article/view/10