La Artesanía y su relación con el turismo


  • Fabiola Sanchez
  • Santiago Galeano


craftsmanship, tourism, culture, heritage, economy


We call handicrafts to those cultural objects made manually or with the help of tools, these objects generally conserve the traditional work techniques and the designs try to reflect aspects related to the region where the artisans come from. Traditional artisanal techniques are considered by UNESCO as Intangible Cultural Heritage(UNESCO, 2003). Tourism is considered to the activities carried out by people during their trips and stays in places different from their usual environment for a consecutive period of less than one year for leisure, business or other purposes. In this essay, the relationship between craft and tourism, in its different aspects, is presented schematically. In conclusion, crafts is part of folklore and is a tourist resource that, based on adequate territorial planning as a whole, contributes to the development of the people and communities of destination.

Author Biographies

Fabiola Sanchez

Lic. En Turismo y Hotelería. Directora de la carrera de Turismo y Hotelería de la Universidad Columbia del Paraguay

Santiago Galeano

Licenciado en Administración de Empresas. Docente de tiempo completo de la carrera de Turismo y Hotelería de la Universidad Columbia del Paraguay



How to Cite

Sanchez, F., & Galeano, S. (2018). La Artesanía y su relación con el turismo. Scientific Journal OMNES, (2), 18–27. Retrieved from