Paseos estéticos urbanos y turismo tipográfico en Paraguay


  • Ricard Huerta


Design, Typography, Tourism, Art, Education


This research introduces the concept of "typographic tourism" as a sphere of action in which personal experiences and social uses of design are combined. The concept "tourism" acquires a complementary dimension here, a range of possibilities that includes the idea of ​​"being a tourist in one's own city" or the proposal of generating images from visual encounters. We join "tourism" with "typography" to implement a series of new possibilities. We link elements that range from the enjoyment of the walk (walking as an aesthetic act, as Francesco Careri proposes) to the search for more complex realities, such as sociological reflection or the artistic dimension. We maintain our desire to use art and design as sources of knowledge and educational practices. We generate new emergencies of patrimonial type. We have incorporated the methodology of ABER Arts Based Educational Research; for this reason the use of images is essential in this document. The fieldwork has involved an approach to the Paraguay’s reality as a case study.



How to Cite

Huerta, R. (2018). Paseos estéticos urbanos y turismo tipográfico en Paraguay. Scientific Journal OMNES, (3), 103–135. Retrieved from