Comparison of thermal behavior of brick wall with plaster and brick wall lined with stone


  • Beatriz Franco Paats, Arq.


Bioclimatic architecture, Thermal behavior of materials, Solar radiation


The study of the thermal behavior of certain elements used in Paraguay for housing construction is presented, such as the brick wall with stone cladding and he brick wall with plaster. While it is true that these materials are used empirically since ancient times, it is considered important to know exactly the thermal behavior in order to optimize their best disposition, considering the climate of the country and the orientation in which these materials are arranged in homes. The study considers, on the one hand, the set of weather factors during the days in which the temperature measurements of the materials were made
and on the other, the set of external variables that affect the specific location of said materials. A quantitative investigation was carried out using the descriptive method, the data of the systematic temperature measurement of the indicated materials whose variation depends on the prevailing climatic conditions during each measurement day was analyzed. With the analysis of the data collected, it was verified that the stone is a material of great thermal
inertia, greater than the brick wall, that when exposed to the Sun they have a temperature difference of up to 10 °C. It was also found that these materials acquire similar temperatures when they are not directly exposed to the Sun either inside or outside the home. The results of this work are relevant to optimize the disposition that materials should have when designing and building homes in Paraguay.

Author Biography

Beatriz Franco Paats, Arq.

Egresada de la Facultad de Arquitectura de la Universidad Nacional de Asunción. Cuenta con una Maestría en Ciencias Ambientales y Políticas Públicas, Maestría en Educación Universitaria y Maestría en Arquitectura
del Paisaje. Estudió Teledetección con enfoque Ambiental en la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Actualmente cursando, en etapa final, el Doctorado en Educación con énfasis en la Gestión de la Educación en la UNA Directora de la carrera Arquitectura Ambiental de la Universidad Columbia del Paraguay.



How to Cite

Franco Paats, B. (2020). Comparison of thermal behavior of brick wall with plaster and brick wall lined with stone. Scientific Journal OMNES, 2(2), 63. Retrieved from