Labor inclusion of people with disabilities in fast food restaurants in the Las Lomas and Villa Morra neighborhoods of the city of Asunción in 2020


  • Laura Pelegrina Universidad Americana
  • Hernán Isidro Sutty Segovia Universidad Americana


Labor Inclusion, People with Disabilities, Restaurants


This research defines the obstacles that prevent the labor inclusion of people with disabilities in fast food restaurants
in the Las Lomas and Villa Morra neighborhoods of the city of Asunción in 2020. The work was based on a qualitative,
non-experimental, cross-sectional and descriptive approach. The study population was made up of members of
foundations that work towards the labor inclusion of people with disabilities, restaurant managers and employees with
disabilities who, at the time of the investigation, carried out work in these establishments. The applied technique was
the interview, the instrument of which consisted of three question guides, directed at members of foundations (nine
questions), restaurant managers (eight questions) and personnel with disabilities (ten questions). The results refer
that physical disability is not the main limitation for labor inclusion, but rather it is the social and cultural barriers that
prevent it, as well as the lack of awareness and a legal framework that prioritizes this sector of society. Concluding that,
it is presumed that these people do not perform efficient and quality work, this being one of the impediments.

Author Biographies

Laura Pelegrina, Universidad Americana

Degree in Tourism and Hospitality Management. American University, Asunción - Paraguay. Columbia University of Paraguay.

Hernán Isidro Sutty Segovia, Universidad Americana

Graduate in Tourism and Hospitality Management, Professor and Research Professor, Tutor of Thesis and Business Plans of the Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences FACEA, University Americana of Asuncion.  



How to Cite

Pelegrina, L. ., & Sutty, H. (2021). Labor inclusion of people with disabilities in fast food restaurants in the Las Lomas and Villa Morra neighborhoods of the city of Asunción in 2020. Scientific Journal OMNES, 4(1), 22–44. Retrieved from