La tercerización de funciones y de servicios de las empresas y su impacto en el diseño estructural de sus organizaciones


  • Honorio Javier Nuñez


outsourcing, organizational structure


Outsourcing is a practice developed by many organizations. It consists of hiring external companies to perform functions and processes with the purpose of increasing profitability. The research is directed to know the criteria of the authors that refer to outsourcing, in order to analyze the effects that this practice produces in the structures of the organizations. The study includes some cases of organizations that have applied outsourcing, from which it can be inferred that, indeed, outsourcing can significantly affect the way companies are organized, since it may involve the modification of the main structural components. As a consequence, one can think that there is a tendency to change the current models and to glimpse new structural models for the future.

Author Biography

Honorio Javier Nuñez

Licenciado en Administración de Empresas. Docente investigador de las Carreras de Ciencias Empresariales de la Universidad Columbia del Paraguay



How to Cite

Nuñez, H. J. (2018). La tercerización de funciones y de servicios de las empresas y su impacto en el diseño estructural de sus organizaciones. Scientific Journal OMNES, 1(1), 28–35. Retrieved from